Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold



Personnel Favorit Muuuuuu

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

CaloN Pengganti The Rev

Avenged sevenfold yang kini tengah mempersiapkan album baru mereka dikabarkan telah menemukan penggebuk drum baru menggantikan almarhum james owen sullivan yang meninggal akhir desember tahun lalu. Dalam beberapa situs yang beredar, dikabarkan posisi penggebuk drum pada band ini sudah terisi. Dia adalah Cobus Potgieter. Drummer yang berasal dari afrika selatan ini bermain drum semenjak usia 6 tahun dan memperoleh pengaruh musik dari beberapa drummer hebat seperti Mike Portnoy, Carter Beauford, Tony Royster Jr., Travis Barker, dan Thomas Lang. Dia adalah drummer solo. Dia bahkan disebut-sebut lebih hebat dari Travis Barker. Permainannya mengandalkan tehnik, speed, dan groove.
Namun bagi kita para sevenfoldism, tidak ada drummer yang bisa menggantikan the rev di hati kita semua. Semoga pengganti the rev kelak bisa menjadi sehebat the rev, khususnya bagi para sevenfoldism.

Otopsi The Rev

Setelah meninggal dengan sangat mendadak, Kepolisian Huntington Beach mengatakan kalau kematian The Rev dikarenakan sebab-sebab alamiah. Akan tetapi pihak kepolisian tetap melakukan penyelidikan, termasuk melakukan otopsi terhadap jenazah The Rev.
Dalam proses otopsi ternyata belum menunjukan hasil yang berarti. Pihak kepolisian sedang berusaha mengungkap sampai tuntas kematian Jimmy. Mereka telah memerintahkan pihak laboratorium untuk melakukan tes toksikologi, mikroskopis, dan tes laboratorium lainnya, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih jelas. Namun tes ini akan memakan waktu berminggu-minggu.

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

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Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Avenged Sevenfold 2010 New Album Review

avenged sevenfold new album 2009 2010 ethernal soldiers 300x298 Avenged Sevenfold 2010 New Album Review

Sedikit bocoran tentang album baru a7x. Album ini genrenya lebih ke alternatif dan soft rock, ini mungkin dikarenakan Mat Shadow yang sudah tidak bisa scream lagi. Dan juga mereka ingin mengulang kesuksesan seperti pada lagu Dear God yg melejit. Tapi masih mengusung genre metalcore. Yah sebut saja genre ini crossover.

Lagu yang telah sedikit dibocorkan yakni Unwind The Chainsaw. Pihak warner Bross sendiri masih merahasiakan tentang lagu ini. Jadi kalau kalian melihat vidoe yang ada di youtube itu salah besar. Beda banget sama suara Mat Shadow, walaupun suara gitarnya seperti synyster. So, jangan ketipu!

Mat Shadow dalam fansite nya mengatakan tidak ingin mengecewakan para fans mereka. berikut adalah kutipan dari yang dikatakan Mat Shadow.

Hello everyone -
I realize that with the last record we stayed away from personally updating you guys with loads of information about how we were doing and about how the tours were going. We stayed away from doing too many interviews, radio and T.V. spots, trying not to overexpose ourselves. Not seeing ourselves everywhere and hearing about stupid shit we’ve said has generally made us happier people, much unlike the “City of Evil” record cycle. But I feel in doing so we have stopped communicating with the people that truly care about this band, the fans. So I’m gonna try to make these updates a little more frequently.

First I wanna say we had a great time touring this record. From the first tour in clubs, to headlining “Taste of Chaos”, to going out with Iron Maiden in Europe, to finishing it up with Buckcherry, Papa Roach, Burn Halo, Shinedown, Saving Abel and Rev Theory. We’ve made some great new friends and just had a great time playing to you guys every night. Rock on the Range and opening for Metallica in Mexico City were just added bonuses. We are gonna start rehearsing here in a couple days to get ready for Sonisphere over in the U.K and Ireland. We are looking forward to that.

We have been relaxing after almost 20 months of straight touring, but we have also been throwing around a lot of ideas for the new album. I think after we get back from the U.K. we will be able to fully get into this writing process. I’d hate to say more and start speculation and rumors this early in the process so thats all I’ll say about the album. Time flies and you’ll have a new record on your ipod before you know it, so be patient.

Since we’ve been home I’ve been working on a song with Slash for his solo album. It’s a killer track and he plays some of the most technical stuff I’ve ever heard from him.
But since it’s his record and not mine, more updates will have to come from him. “Waking the Fallen” went gold today and though we don’t talk about record sales much, this feels like a huge accomplishment. That record sold 3,000 copies the first week and is now well over 500,000 copies. In a day when music is virtually free, its a huge testament to the fans we have and the dedication they have given us for 10 years. Thanks guys and girls, we look forward to 10 more!


Yah dari pada bingung kita tunggu saja!


A7x DiBubarkan

News, Apakah ini Benar smoga Ja enggak...!! Las Vegas akan menjadi kota terakhir yang menyaksikan the last concert of Avenged Sevenfold. Sabtu, 18 April akan menjadi hari terakhir bagi fans Avenged Sevenfold untuk menyaksikan penampilan band kesayangannya ini di The New Joint Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Las Vegas. Apakah A7x akan segera bubar (seperti Limp Bizkit atau Blink 182 atau seperti Smashing Pumpkins yang ditinggal pemain drum)?

Setelah menyelesaikan US Tour di The Nokia Theare, Los Angeles, pada tanggal 16 April dan di San Diego Sports Arena pada tanggal 17 April, kemudian konser penutup di Las Vegas, Avenged Sevenfold akan segera masuk dapur rekaman untuk album baru. :P "After touring the world for pretty much two years straight, the stars aligned and have us finishing up in Southern California and Las Vegas,"

"Zacky Vengeance"

Karena ini konser terakhir, Avenged Sevenfold pasti akan memberikan penampilan yang sangat luar biasa. Rugi kalau kita melewatkannya karena ada special guests yaitu Atreyu dan Rev Theory. So, jangan lewatkan.

Best Drummer has Dead

Sullivan was found dead in his home at approximately 1:00 PM PST December 28, 2009, aged 28 years.His death was reported as due to natural causes at the scene, however, the results of the autopsy performed were inconclusive, and further tests are pending.

There were statements from Avenged Sevenfold and were posted to the their official website along with their MySpace, Facebook and Twitter profiles. Soon after the discovery of the death of Sullivan, Avenged Sevenfold made the following statement:

"It is with great sadness and heavy hearts that we tell you of the passing today of Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan. Jimmy was not only one of the world's best drummers, but more importantly he was our best friend and brother. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jimmy's family and we hope that you will respect their privacy during this difficult time.

Jimmy you are forever in our hearts. We love you.

M Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance and Johnny Christ"

Shown on Avenged Sevenfold's official webste was a message from Sullivan's family which expressed their gratitude to his fans for their support:

"We would like to thank all of Jimmy's fans for the heartfelt comments that have been posted – it is comforting to know that his genius and antics were appreciated and that he was loved so much. Our hearts are broken – he was much too young to fall. Óg agus saor go deo (forever young and free)"

On December 14, 2009, exactly 2 weeks before his death, Sullivan was sent an email from drummer Steven DuBois, suggesting that he include a drum solo in the new album, saying "...you are the only drummer alive today capable of the job."
Sullivan is survived by his wife, Leana McFadden.

In addition to comments made about the passing of Sullivan, the band's manager Larry Jacobson expressed how Sullivan was a kind figure to all. Jacobson stated within the interview that;

He was expressive. He'd tell you how he felt about you -- you didn't wonder because he'd put his arm around you," he said. "He knew how to tell his friends he loved them."
In addition to Jacobson, over 50 musical artists have commented upon the death of Sullivan. Sullivan's funeral was held on January 6, 2010. In attendance were the family and friends of Sullivan as well as bands such as Lostprophets and Brian Haner Sr..


Sullivan ditemukan tewas di rumahnya sekitar pukul 1:00 PST 28 Desember 2009, umur 28 tahun. kematian-Nya dilaporkan sebagai akibat penyebab alami di TKP Namun, hasil autopsi itu dapat disimpulkan, dan tes lebih lanjut tertunda
Ada pernyataan dari Avenged Sevenfold dan diposting ke website resmi mereka beserta MySpace, Facebook dan Twitter profil. Segera setelah penemuan kematian Sullivan, Avenged Sevenfold membuat pernyataan berikut:

"Ini dengan sangat sedih dan berat hati bahwa kami memberitahu Anda hari ini yang lewat Jimmy" The Rev "Sullivan. Jimmy tidak hanya salah satu drumer terbaik di dunia, tetapi lebih penting lagi ia adalah sahabat kami dan saudara. Pikiran kita dan doa pergi ke Jimmy keluarga dan kami berharap bahwa Anda akan menghormati privasi mereka selama masa sulit ini.

Jimmy Anda selamanya di dalam hati kita. Kami mencintai Anda.

M Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, dan Johnny Kristus

Avenged Sevenfold ditampilkan di webste resmi adalah pesan dari keluarga Sullivan yang menyatakan terima kasih kepada para penggemarnya atas dukungan mereka:

"Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua penggemar Jimmy tulus untuk komentar yang telah diposting - itu adalah menghibur untuk mengetahui bahwa kegeniusan dan kejenakaan yang dihargai dan bahwa ia dicintai begitu banyak. Hati kita rusak - ia terlalu muda untuk jatuh. Og saor agus pergi deo (selamanya muda dan bebas) "
Pada 14 Desember 2009, tepat 2 minggu sebelum kematiannya, Sullivan dikirim email dari drummer Steven DuBois, mengatakan bahwa ia termasuk solo drum di album baru, dengan mengatakan "... kau adalah satu-satunya drumer hidup hari ini mampu melakukan pekerjaan. "

Sullivan meninggalkan seorang istri, Leana McFadden.

Selain komentar yang dibuat tentang berlalunya Sullivan, manajer band Larry Jacobson mengungkapkan betapa Sullivan adalah sosok yang baik bagi semua. Jacobson menyatakan dalam wawancara itu;

Dia ekspresif. Dia akan memberitahu Anda bagaimana perasaannya tentang Anda - Anda tidak heran karena ia meletakkan tangannya di sekitar Anda, "katanya." Dia tahu bagaimana cara memberitahu teman-temannya ia mencintai mereka.

Selain Jacobson, lebih dari 50 seniman musik berkomentar atas kematian Sullivan. Sullivan pemakaman diadakan pada tanggal 6 Januari 2010. Yang hadir adalah keluarga dan teman-teman Sullivan serta band-band seperti Lostprophets dan Brian Haner Sr.